The Texas Commission on Environmental (TCEQ) is providing an estimated $16 million in grants for fleet owners in Texas to replace aging diesel fleet vehicles with new hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles. Grants may reimburse up to 80% of the cost of the new vehicles.
Grants are available for entities who own and operate a fleet of 75 or more on-road vehicles in Texas and who apply to replace at least 10 of those vehicles with new hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles like propane autogas.
Priority is given to projects with the lowest cost/ton of NOx reduced; the largest amount of NOx reduced, and fleets operating in the nonattainment counties and Clean Transportation Zone counties.
In the last grant round with this grant:
San Antonio ISD replaced 7 diesel school buses with propane
Alvin ISD replaced 16 diesel school buses with propane
Hays CISD replaced 10 diesel school buses with propane
TCFP Grant documents, including the Request for Grant Applications and Project Application, may be found at https://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/terp/tcf.html or contact the Propane Council of Texas at info@propanecounciloftexas.org for grant writing questions and help.
The deadline to apply is September 16, 2022.